Frequently Asked Questions
- How does my STORE2DOOR account work?
When you LOG IN to your account you will be able to:
- Check if you’re purchased Items arrived at your dedicated U.S address.
- Update your Profile (Personal Information, Default Settings and Login information).
- Check your Shipping history with STORE2DOOR.
- Track your packages and have the latest status.
Important Note: you will be notified by e-mail/SMS whenever there will be any transaction in your account. - What is my STORE2DOOR U.S Address?
Your U.S dedicated address will be similar to:
Full Name: (Your Name)
Address Line 1: 4283 Express Lane
Address Line 2: Suite# (Your Account No.)
City: Sarasota
State/Province: FL
Zip Code: 34249
Country: United States
Phone: + (941) 538-6941 - Can I start utilizing my U.S address immediately after having a STORE2DOOR account?
Yes, we will immediately start accepting all of your merchandise/items ordered.
- Do you accept Packages for me being sent from an individual?
Yes, we also accept Packages to your STORE2DOOR U.S address from an individual.
- How do STORE2DOOR member pay for Package Shipping charges?
We accept Visa, Master & American Express credit cards via a certified and secured online payment gateway as well as cash payment at any of our 230 Retail Outlets in Saudi Arabia.
- What are Saudi Arabia import prohibition items?
Please refer to our Prohibited Items list.
- What should I do in case of any problem on my merchandise/items after being delivered to me?
You may Contact us immediately on our 24/7 Customer Service Center at phone 92000-9999 or use our online chat solution or e-mail us on Care@Store2Door.com.
- Do I have to pay to renew my Membership every year?
For Silver membership; you only pay one time upon registration (Life Time Membership)
For Gold membership; you have to pay only SAR 500 yearly. - How long does it take for me to receive a package once it is shipped from U.S.A?
It takes 7-10 business days to be delivered to you if no Customs delay at port of entry.
- Can I use my STORE2DOOR U.S address as a billing address?
The given address is for your online deliveries only, for the billing; please enter the local address which corresponds with your locally issued credit card.
- Can I have my purchased items Consolidated?
Yes, this depends on your selection of Consolidation Days upon registration; you can select to ship your packages automatically as it arrive to your U.S address or you can ask STORE2DOOR to consolidate the shipments for you and ship it in Weekly, Bi-weekly or Monthly basis.
- If I have changed my Consolidation days upon updating My Profile, when will this change get activated?
Such changes on the Consolidation days will be activated immediately and applied on your next Shipment.
- My Consolidation preference is set to (Monthly), when will the consolidation countdown begin?
Your consolidation countdown will begin on the date we receive the 1st item in your Inbox.
For example: if your first item has arrived at your address on 1st of September then all your items available at your Inbox will be consolidated and shipped on the 30th of September.(30 Days Consolidation),
The same process applies for Weekly (7 Days) and Bi-Weekly (14 Days).
Note: Immediate Shipping preference has no consolidation system. - Can I request to insure all my Shipments regardless of commodity?
No, whenever you select to insure your Shipments it doesn’t mean insuring all the commodities. There are some specific items where insurance Terms & Conditions is not applicable; commodities such as like Televisions, Computers, Electronics, Jewelry, Figurines/Antiques, Furniture/Frames and Lightings including chandlers or equivalent.
- Can I order Perfumes and Nail Polish?
Yes. These commodities can be added to ship request in a new separate shipment only. It can’t be included with other non-dangerous goods. An addition fee of SAR 52 or 8.5% of value of item (whichever is more) will be charged as Special Handling fees. The estimated time frame for receiving such items is between 7-10 business days.
- Can I have my Mail packages like (Letters, Certificates, ID's or Bank correspondence including cards or equivalent) sent to my STORE2DOOR U.S address?
No, such commodity won’t be shipped; please avoid directing your mail packages (Letters, Certificates, ID's or Bank correspondence including cards) to your STORE2DOOR account as these type of mail packages will be subjected to auto-returns to senders or discard in case an overseas import, please contact us for more information.
- Online payment process doesn’t go through whenever I want to settle Setup or Shipment transport fees?
You must check your Pop-up Blocker settings of your browser. Please temporarily Turn Off/Allow Pop-up Blocker to enable required window’s to operate properly.
- Will I get a U.S, UK and China Address’s when I register my account with STORE2DOOR?
STORE2DOOR services are currently covering the U.S stores/auctions only.
- While tracking my purchased item online, I can see it has been already delivered but so far nothing registered into my S2D account! Why?
Such cases will occur if you have failed to mention your complete U.S address that indicates your full 6 digits Suite number with merchant while doing the online purchase. S2D will not register any items with such issues unless it is being verified and properly addressed to your account. If you have similar case; please email us on care@store2door.com
- Can I change my membership type?
Membership type can be changed prior to payment submission only; no fees will be refunded in case of downgrading your S2D account.
- Which days do shipping normally take place?
Shipping process’s normally are taking place during the official U.S working days only (Monday to Friday), there will be no shipping in weekends/holidays.
- There’s a prohibited or restricted item has arrived to my U.S address, how can I handle this? is there any fees applicable?
Such items can be handled by providing us with merchant return label, an alternative U.S address or choose to discard the item at your U.S address. Fees will be applied upon returning items to merchant or an alternative U.S address that depends on item weight and U.S carrier selected for shipping within U.S Note: this process is not valid after packages arrival in Saudi Arabia.
- I have submitted the Ship Now request but so far I didn’t receive my shipment tracking number?
Shipping requests are taking place during the U.S official working days, this require a time frame of (1-3) business days.
- Do I have to settle the shipping fees prior to sending my packages to Saudi Arabia?
No, Store2Door will prepare the shipping process and send all of your packages prior to you settle the shipping fees. Shipping fees can be paid once it’s updated in your S2D account after sending it to SA. Log in > My Shipment > Pay Now
- What if I didn’t upload the ID card image after registering my account?
In such cases; you will not be able to manage your account, schedule shipments or even change your shipping preference. It’s a must to upload the proper ID card image the matches with your S2D personal information entered to fully activate your account.
- What is the Address Correction Fees and why it's being applied?
This fee will be applicable upon receiving your item in our facility with incomplete address/missing suite information. Our team will conduct an extra mile researches in order to assign your items accurately into your account. Additional fees of SAR 23 will be billed to your account for each package arrives without incomplete address/suite. Kindly make sure adding your complete address and Suite number while purchasing any item from any online merchant.
- Why there are additional fees for shipping lithium batteries and what is the cost?
Lithium batteries are considered as one of the Dangerous goods/hazardous materials that require special handling, additional packaging and labeling in order to be transported. Upon receiving similar item in your U.S address; your acceptance of additional fees will be required prior to shipping. - Items with Installed lithium batteries fees – SAR 9 (Per Shipment) - Items with External Lithium batteries fees – SAR 61 (Per shipment) For more detailed information, please contact us on 920009999.
- My packages remained in the Outbox unshipped, why?
If your package arrives without a merchant invoice, or if the merchant invoice does not show the price you paid, we require having the merchant invoice sent to us on Care@Store2Door.com. Merchant invoices assist us in properly preparing export paperwork and speed the shipping. We encourage you to request that a merchant invoice be included with each package that is sent to your Store2Door U.S address.